Corporate Information.

Oragen Logo

Perfectly Fresh! is an Oragen Group company.

Oragen Group connects businesses and consumers with great-tasting, long-lasting, sustainable leaves.

Living Wage Employer

Perfectly Fresh! are proud to be an official Living Wage employer, every employee is paid at least the National Living Wage.

We’re pleased to have the Living Hours accreditation. This fits alongside the Living Wage accreditation to develop a new standard of working, ensuring workers receive guaranteed work hours as well as a living wage

Partnered with Carbon Footprint Ltd.

Our pioneering team are very much at the start of our journey to Net Zero, with sincere intent on achieving this by 2030.

Perfectly Fresh! are a Carbon Reduced Organisation. Partnered with Carbon Footprint Ltd.

Campden BRI are passionate about putting science and technology to practical use, inspiring success and drive.

Crop Health and Production bring together scientists, farmers, advisors and pioneers to share innovation and expertise to help drive sustainable farming systems.

UK Urban Agriculture promote CEA as a solution for food and environmental crises, and bring together the key players in the world of Controlled Environment Agriculture, including growers, researchers, equipment producers and more.

Coming soon

Field of greens